Get your participants to SHARE in group sessions the EASY way

Yesterday, we talked about how to open sessions with our tactical and practical GPS Session Opening framework (GPS stands for Grounding + Positive Frame + Sharing).
One of our Live Workshop participants recently mentioned that participants spend time and effort to join your sessions. And that's true! You want them to get back so much more in satisfaction, fulfillment and confidence! In other words, make their transformational experience worth it by designing that in ahead of time.
It really starts with having people share during sessions. And we often get asked, how in the world do you get people to share? Does it have to be awkward when you ask for shares, and nobody volunteers? Well of course there are plenty of graceful ways to recover that, including designing your session to avoid dead ends.
But when it comes to sharing, everyone is different. Some participants may be dying to raise their hand and share. Others may be less willing to. Your job as a leader in a Group Coaching session is to make sure EVERYONE gets to a place where they have shared something during the session.
That doesn't mean they have to share verbally in a large group. You can also use one of our favorite ways to speed up sharing... we call it a ChatStorm, where you prompt participants to share something in the chat. When your prompt is well-designed and clearly delivered, you can quickly disarm any resistance in participants.
If the group doesn't know each other, this is a great way to promote sharing during the GPS, because what it does is make it safe to share early in the session, and cements the fact that the session will be interactive and require their full participation.
If you didn't think your Group Coaching sessions should be all that interactive, then we need to talk! Whatever your certification tells you to do, when you make it INTERACTIVE, you give your participants an even more transformational experience.
A major benefit of making it interactive is that it's a lot more transformational, and in what might seem a paradox to you right now, it's actually way easier because there's less pressure on you to have all the answers. When you design it well, they get the transformational progress, just through participating!
Sharing is just one of many ways to get your participants involved in your sessions! There are hundreds of unique and fun ways to do that that we'll continue to explore. But the best way is to participate with us to see how we do it, so you can take what you learn straight away into your next Group Coaching session. In the meantime, reply and let us know how you will incorporate more or better sharing into your next session.
In an upcoming email we'll talk about other sharing techniques.
Sending you Virtual Hugs,
Rob & Daniel
P.S. If you want to go deeper with us, there are only a few days left to join us for The Surefire Group Coaching System.
P.P.S. And right now, you can deepen your knowledge by booking a 1-hour coaching call with us for just $97 (which is normally a $500 session!), where we can clarify your exact next steps and help you FAST with your own Group Coaching programs and sessions.
P.P.P.S. To take advantage of any of the above, or just to get in touch with us, opt-in to our content, then just reply to any email.
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